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Canva Pro - Bulk Create

& Social Media
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  • Walkthrough

Creating bulk social media content, i.e. quotes.

Canva Pro - Bulk Create

Canva Pro Tips

Bulk create

This tool allows you to create bulk tiles for socials with a few easy steps.

  1. Go to and click on docs.
  2. Hit the + button and select Magic write from the drop down.
  3. Now type in the bulk creation you would like “10 quotes about flowers”, “20 self care quotes” or something else & click generate.
  4. Select all of these quotes and copy them.
  5. Go back to your home screen and search “instagram story quotes” choose a template that suits your purpose and brand. Now customise the template with your branding. Select a text box and title it with a short title.
  6. In the “apps” program (down the left hand side) either click “bulk create” or search “bulk create” and select.
  7. Select “generate manually” give the column the same title you used on your story.
  8. Select continue and and you now have as many generated pages of content you selected.

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