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CRM comparison sheet & email marketing terms

& Email marketing & CRMs
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Comparing Customer Relationship Management software & debunk some tech terms.

 CRM comparison sheet & email marketing terms
CRM Comparisons
CRM - Customer Relationship Manager
Features to review: Free trial (please note all have free trials); cost; A/B testing, drip email, landing pages; support and integrations.
Mailchimp - free trial; free for up to 2500 emails per month, monthly fee for more options; A/B testing etc only if you pay for an account; help centre, marketing library, chat box; yes integrations.
Klaviyo - free trial; free for up to 500 emails per month, monthly fee for more than 500; yes A/B testing etc; help centre, blog, email support; yes integrations.
HubSpot - free trial; monthly fee for 1000 contacts; yes A/B testing etc; customer service phone number, chat box, blog and courses; yes integrations.
Email Octopus - free trial; free for up to 2500 subscribers, monthly fee for full control; no A/B testing etc; blog, email support, live chat support, videos; yes integrations.
Constant Contact - free trial; monthly fee; yes A/B testing etc; tutorials & blog, office location contacts, search community; yes integrations.
Sendinblue - free trial; free for up to 300 emails per day limited function, monthly fee extra functions; A/B testing etc only if you pay for an account; email support, help centre, blog; yes integrations.

What is A/B testing?
Why do I need it?
A/B testing, also called split testing or bucket testing - compares the performance of two versions of content to see which one appeals more to visitors/viewers. It tests a control (A) version against a variant (B) version to measure which one is most successful based on your key metrics. 

This testing refers to subject lines, images, calls to actions. It then splits recipients into two segments to determine which version generates a higher open rate. You would benefit from having this function if you are going to analyse and action the data.

Do I need drip email features?
Drip email is an automated marketing tool. 
Some examples:
New sign up to the website: a) A welcome email, b) Followed by an offer or a lead.
An abandoned cart: a) Another offer, b) Follow up email.
Customer's special occasion: a) A birthday email, b) Cross promotion, c) Thank you for your loyalty. 

This is a pretty powerful email tool. However, it is only as good as they information the CRM is given. The more data you collect and enter, the more powerful the promotion. If you are not planning on collecting data for your customer profile, there is no point for this feature.

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