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Learning styles – what one are you?

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Learning styles – what one are you?
What are the benefits of this? In short it maximises your potential!
You can identify your potential. This works for employees, consumers, consultants - EVERYONE!

What are the different learning styles?
See 6 common styles listed below 

Visual people learn best by reading or seeing pictures. They remember things by sight and if they can picture themselves doing the task its more likely to be successful. These learners do well in creative jobs or building and creating.

A kinaesthetic-tactile learning style means that the learner manipulates or touches material to learn. Kinaesthetic-tactile techniques are used in combination with visual and/or auditory study techniques, creating multi- sensory learning.

Logical learners do well with steps or processes and learn well in an organised environment. They have a very systematic approach to learning by recognising patterns quickly and they usually have a good understanding of numbers.

These learners are often strong public speakers, favouring words and linguistic skills. They enjoy reading and writing. For example they prefer taking notes, or reading aloud - using spoken or written material.

The aural learning style is a way in which people learn best through hearing directions and speaking answers. It's common for aural learners to be proficient at speaking and acting. Typically, aural learners prefer to listen to lectures rather than take notes.

Solitary or intrapersonal learning is characteristic of those who prefer working alone or are self-motivated individuals. The solitary learning style has commonly been described as that which is in pursuit of achievement, learning, and personal satisfaction. 

Learning styles also impact on how we recall information and tell others about our experiences. It's also important to remember people can cross over into a number of different learning styles but there is usually one that is more dominant that others.

There are many quizzes online that can help you determine your learning style here are some helpful links below: 

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