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Social Media Paid Advertising

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How to approach the topic of paid advertising on social media.

Social Media Paid Advertising
Social Media Paid Digital Advertising 

Overview - Short Version* 
1. Where do I start? - Target audience
2. Choose your social media - Case studies
3. What next? -  Promotion and Call to Action
4. Securing your accounts - Password protection
5. Facebook Advertising - Step by step processes
6. Instagram Advertising - Step by step processes
*Short Version - please note the full version has templates included. All templates can be accessed on Click Region.

Where do I start?
1. You need to identify your audience.
When we know who your audience is, you can understand 'where they shop, source information & spend their time'. For all the things that we might not like about social media, it has definitely opened up the landscape for getting quick and direct information. People are more than ever hungry for information, and data shows us that most people like this information delivered in short sharp snippets authentically. 

If you struggle to identify your audience, flip it. Know your product. By knowing your product you gain a better understanding of who might use your product or service. If your business has multiple services & offerings, break them down. Perhaps into your most popular. offerings or your highest revenue streams and concentrate on just a couple. 

No different to you weighing up the options between printed, radio or television advertising.The same principles are applied to socials & Google advertising. 

Let's get you started!

Choosing your social media
2. Which social media is for me?
Let's look at two case studies to determine what social media would be best.

Case study 1 
Mary is a financial advisor, who specialises in assisting people with superannuation plans. She is at the higher end of the scale when it comes to affordability. Secondary to this, Mary also offers an advisory service for investing in crypto currency. Mary would like to start a social media campaign to which she has allowed a reasonable sized budget for. Which 2 platforms would you suggest to Mary for paid digital advertising?
Answer: Facebook and LinkedIn

Case study 2 
Jimmy has been an "influencer" for sometime, he has just started his own sneaker brand specifically targeted at younger people who skateboard. Jimmy is a skater himself, so he is no stranger to putting up videos and challenges online for his followers to engage with. The only downside to this is until Jimmy sells a few sneakers he doesn't have a lot of cashflow. He needs a big bang for his buck. Where would you recommend Jimmy start paid advertising on socials? 
Answer: Snapchat or TikTok

What next?
3. What are you promoting?
You have identified your target market and which platform to use. Now you need to establish what you are promoting?
- Your business brand? 
- An event?
- A product?
- A service? 

What is your 'call to action'? 
A 'call to action' is what you want people to do once they view this promotion.
- To read the advertisement only 
- To purchase something
- To be directed to your website 
- To like or share your post 
If you direct a person to your website, make sure it is to a particular page so you can view the insights later to see how successful the promotion was in directing them there. 
Whatever the call to action is, make sure you ask your user to do this in the post - don't be shy!

Securing your account 
4. Account security - password protection 
Before we jump into the advertising steps, you need to make things as secure as you can from your end. Prior to you advertising on these platforms you may not have had your credit card attached to your socials. If you want to advertise on the social media platforms, you will now need to attach your card number. Security is about being aware and cautious. For every person who has been scammed there are 100's who haven't, but its best practice to be thorough and make things harder for hackers. 
If you have your dog's name as your Facebook password, your birthdate or password123 please go and change it right NOW. These passwords are too easy for hackers to guess. This protection is not just for you, but your friends and followers as well. If someone impersonates you by taking over your account and gets information from these people, it is as unacceptable as someone taking all of your details. 
a) Use passwords with characters, numbers, upper case and lower case to make it harder. 
b) Use 2 factor authentication (refer to the 'marketing & communications' tab for details). 
However, please don't use only one password (regardless of how good it is) for all your social accounts. Steer away from using a password in various ways like this: 
MeLissa#1 for Instagram
MeLissa#2 for Facebook
MeLissa#3 for LinkedIn 
Bots can work out these patterns very quickly. 

Facebook Advertising 
5. Facebook Advertising 
Essentially all the social media platforms work in the same way when advertising. You need to ask yourself 3 questions.
Who are you advertising to?
a) is it people who like or follow your page - people who already have a level of engagement with you?
b) is it people who have told Facebook they are interested in what you're offering? for example food & wine lovers
c) is it people within a geographical location?
How long is this campaign going to go for?
You can choose days or weeks. It is up to you.
Lastly, how much money are you going to spend on this campaign?
You can spend whatever amount you want.
Before we get into the steps, the easiest way to manage all of your socials in one place. It is easy to download Meta Business Suite where you can post to all socials from 1 spot. It is free and easy to get from the app store and link to your socials.
Make sure this has a strong & unique password.
1. Create an account with Facebook Ads Manager. 
2. Start creating an ad through Facebook's Ads Manager. 
3. Choose an objective.
4. Choose your audience.
5. Set your budget. 
6. Create your ad.
7. Monitor your ad's performance metrics. 
8. Look at reporting on the Facebook ad performance. 
When promoting an event. 
1. Create the event.
2. Boost the event.
3. Same steps as above steps 3-8.
4. You have the option to create a post in the event and boost it in the same way.
To do this, go to "Create Ad" and Facebook steps you through the process.

Instagram Advertising 
6. Instagram Advertising
By using Meta Business Suite you can push your advertisements straight through to all of your social accounts you have connected. At this point, something to consider - are most of the people following you on Instagram the same as Facebook? If so, is there any point to advertising on both? 
On average, Instagram advertising costs between $0.20 to $6.70.
For CPC (cost-per-click), advertisers pay $0.20 to $2 per click.
For CPM (cost-per-impressions), advertisers pay $6.70 per 1000 impressions.
For CPE (cost-per-engagement), advertisers pay $0.01 to $0.05 per engagement/interaction.
An impression is simply showing a user your post.
An engagement/interaction is exactly that, someone clicking, liking or sharing your post. It is also measured if someone stops on your post for a certain amount of time (usually seconds).
How to create an Instagram advertisement.
1. Click the 'Create' option in Ads Manager.
2. Choose an objective for your ad campaign.
3. Name your campaign.
4. Target your audience with characteristics like interests, age and gender.
5. Set a budget and schedule (and choose manual bidding if desired).
6. Name your ad set.
How to boost your Instagram feed post.
1. Go to your profile.
2. Tap the post you'd like to boost.
3. Avoid boosting posts featuring images greater than 8 MB.
4. Below the post's image, tap 'Boost'.
5. Fill in the details of your ad by setting things like: 
  • 'Goal' (what results you'd like from this ad),
  • 'Audience' (who you want to reach),
  • 'Budget' (how much you want to spend daily), and
  • 'Duration' (how long you want your ad to run). 
6. Tap 'Next' once you've completed these details.
7. If you didn’t link to a Facebook account when you set up your Instagram professional account, you will be prompted to connect an account. You can choose an existing account or tap 'Skip'. If you do tap 'Skip', you won’t see this step when you boost future posts. However, you can still connect a Facebook Page to your profile at any time. 
8. To complete your ad, tap 'Boost Post' under 'Review'. 
9. Once you've tapped 'Boost Post', your ad will be submitted for review to make sure it meets the ad policies. Your ad will begin running after it's been reviewed and approved. You'll receive a notifications in your 'Activity Feed' after you submit your ad for review, when it's getting reviewed, if it's approved or disapproved and when the campaign ends. 
Please note: You can also boost a new post that you create on Instagram. Just press on the 'Create Adoption' toggle before you share your new Instagram post. 

There are 2 versions available for this topic. A 'short version' which summarises the contents steps (shown), and a 'full version' which goes through every step to take. Both are available for download at the bottom of the page.

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