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Intro to brand management with Canva

& Branding
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How to create your brand in Canva.

Intro to brand management with Canva
Brand Management with Canva
Branding is why. Marketing is how.

The importance of Consistent Branding 
1. Establishes a deeper level of connection with the consumer.
2. Creates "brand loyalty" and trust.
3. In a marketing space with a lot of noise & traffic people are more likely to recognise a logo rather than read text.
4. Branding isn't just your logo, its everything that you are presenting to your audience associated with your business/ service. This creates a more human side of the brand which is more likely to resonate with clients.
5. Clear branding not only tells your customers your story but allows your employees to tell the right story too. 

Brand Kits 
The idea behind the Canva brand kit is that you don't use random graphics & fonts, but rather start to build your consistent messaging & business profile with this feature. Canva Pro has the brand kit, however this feature isn't available for the free Canva option. Canva describe a brand kit as a "short easily digestible guide to your brands visual identity". You may hear brand guidelines versus brand kit. Your guidelines speak more to how your brand is marketed, where as your kit is really the visual representation of your company. 

The brand kit has 3 major parts.
Logo, fonts and colour.

Uploading Logos on Canva Pro 
Be aware that you can have different versions of your company's logo and icons, for example: 
  • Your logo as it originally is. 
  • Your logo as a reverse. 
  • Uploading just the icon.
  • Do you have horizontal logos or stacked is there an option to get both from your designer. 
  • Transparent logos are important so you have the option to blend it with your media background. 

Colour Codes 
Sourcing your colours and getting your colour hex codes. It is a combination of 6 digits/letters, for example 262A66 is the colour Navy. Once you have decided what colours you would like to use, record your hex colour code so it stays consistent and you don't vary in the colour's spectrum. 

Text Hierarchy 
You can have different headings and font combinations. You can have large font like a 'heading' verses smaller font that is a 'sub heading' or 'text'. Then you also have different styles to choose, for example cursive or block letters.

Consistent Branding 
If you don't stay true to your brand, your audience will get confused. 
  • Remember design is your thinking visually. If your thoughts or vision is scrambled, so will be your messaging of your brand. 
  • Take the time to set up your brand structure. 
  • Consider using Canva as a tool for consistency rather than a design tool. That way it will help you have a consistent and structured approach instead of a flippant one. 

See the difference from Click Region's consistent approach at the start of the topic:
Using colours navy, aqua, red & yellow
Using consistent text

To the irregular approach at the end of the topic:
Using fluorescent colours
Using multiple fonts 

Lesson complete - New skill, tick!Check Icon

Click Region

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