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How to create a QR code

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How to create one of your own.

How to create a QR code
Surely after the last 3 years of checking in and checking out of places we have all had enough of QR codes, right? Wrong. This time has shown us the ease and importance of giving people information about your business really quickly and also how you can track and collate important data. 

The best thing is that most of the population now know how to recognise QR codes and what they do. 

QR codes are made by QR generators. They're free and really easy to use. Aside from having a QR code for people checking into an event or a location, they are a great tool to take people directly to your website or to an offering on your website you may want them to access. For example, if you wanted to produce a survey or feedback form for your customers to use - it can be as simple as scanning a QR code with your smart phone and filling in the relevant fields. If you have a PDF file of information, audio file or video on a website you want your customers to see, all of these options can be utilised through using a QR code.

QR codes don't expire. As long as there is a website behind the code, it will always work. Are they safe? QR codes are inherently a safe way to be directed to a website.

They are a fun and interactive way people can get the exact information they are after or you want to promote something, so let's get started!

1. Find a QR generator code website thats free like this one
2. Choose what it is your are wanting to direct people to if its a website simply type or copy & paste the address into where it asks you to.
3. This will generate your QR code, from here you can customise it to your business with different colours or styles
4. Download it and start using it.
5. Don't forget to check back in as these websites will measure your metrics and you can see how many times people have used your QR code.

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